Overseas Clients:
Welcome and If you like to order AvoPro eBooks or the 365 Avocado Tree Help service, please go to our Australian site, or simply contact us.
"You Love Avocados? Grow Your Own"
If you know what you are feeding your trees with, and how you care for them, then:
You Know What You Are Eating. Right?
There are so many good points about avocados and avocado growing and most folks know all about it. However, I recently found growing avocado trees in a certain way, helps NZ save water! Precious.
Help The Planet? Sure, go for it. However, do this in the most practical order:
- Help yourself and your family.
- Help the nation.
- Help Life: The Planet
Important: Experts say "Water is the next Gold for New Zealand".
Fact: A ten-year-old mini avocado tree uses way less water than a traditionally grown one. Same age, of course.
AvoPro and "mini avocado" are dedicated to helping folks grow "dwarf" avocado trees. As you read every word of this site, you'll soon agree with this, but let's look at some jaw-dropping statistics on avocados first.
Did You Know?
- There are many wonderfully differenet size and tasty avocado varieties, maturing at different times of the year.
- Worldwide avocado production exceeded 5,000,000 tons in 2016.
- New Zealand avocados are one of the tastiest in the world, because of NZ lower sub-tropical temperatures.
- NZ avocado production in 2016-2017 period topped 31000 tonnes.
- Yet average price of an avocado in 2018, was above $5 each.
- More often, during May-Jun, each avocado sold above the $8 mark!
- In 2019, a guy in Auckland broke the records and sold avocados for $12.50 each. Ouch!
Avocado consumption in the US is similar to other countries. Note: The total consumption in 2018 to 2019 is around 3,000,000,000 pounds and growing!
Why Don't You Grow Your Own?
Is it because you've been told "Avocado trees are very difficult to grow" ... "It's not possible to grow avocado trees in this soil type" ... "This area is too cold for avocado growing" ... and so on and so forth? Just insert whatever "reason" you have been led to believe, Here ...
Big News: Want to grow your own avocado trees? If yes, grab your trees while you can. There's a real big tree shortage in 2019, 2020, and beyond. Are you in New Zealand? Buy them Now. It's OK to order and get your trees later. Do it. Avocado Trees Now
Square Meter Avocado Growing?
Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But sure enough, you can grow avocados even if you have only one square meter patch of ground available. We'll show you how, just keep reading. You can also ask for our gift avocado growing eBooks and see how. These eBooks are f.r.e.e.e of charge.
There are many myths about avocado growing and like other false info they have a weird ability to persist. The five most repeated rumors are:
- Avocado trees from a seed or stone, are just as good as the grafted ones, only cheaper.
- Avocados take 5, 7, 10 or even more years, to fruit.
- Avocados must become huge trees, before they produce.
- You can only grow avocados in warmer places, not here!
- If you are lucky enough to be in the right area, a single avocado tree is all you need.
All above statements are false and old tales. While self seeded avocados can take ten, twenty or more years and become huge trees before they fruit, special grafted ones can fruit within few years. These guys - AvoPro - produce trees which fruit in the first year. Another point about self-seeded or seedling avocados is; we don't know if and when they fruit, whether its avocado is desirable or not. More often, it's not. Some reseachers say 1 in 400,000 new varieties might have reasonable qualities! However, mini avocado people, get excellent avocados within just one year and more importantly; they produce known, tried and tested avocado varieties, only.
Many people are growing avocados in the sub-tropical and the cooler regions. The retired professor John Walker has been researching privately on growing avocados in the Port Hills of Christchurch and has had great success. He has written a documented article on the subject and has given AvoPro permission to distribute it to all interested in avocado growing in the cooler regions. If you like a pdf copy of it, just go to the contact page and email mini avocado: AvoPro
Also, it is proven beyond all doubt that planting different avocado varieties close-together helps better, larger, higher quality, and more consistent, year after year fruit-set. Note that many 'auhorities' keep insisting "people do not need to plant the A and B types together, to get fruit". This is true only if; All environmental conditions for successful pollination and fruit-set, are in place at every location and at all times during the flowering period! They must be kidding. Who dosn't know this is almost impossible? Remember: Close-Pollination may or may not help avocados to set fruit. However, Cross-Pollination increases the fertilization chances by many folds. Sorry for all the jargon, sometimes it's necessary. AvoPro people get many reports of mature, very big Hass trees, which produce huge numbers of flowers but fail to set fruit or the fruitlets abort, after a while. When in such cases it was recommended to plant some Type B cultivars near their existing trees, they got results within just couple of years.
In A Nutshell: Go right ahead and plant different A and B avocado types, close-together. Do this.
Avocados are a healthy food source and there's way more evidence on this than can be mentioned here. The mini avocado guys help their client-friends by directing them to useful links. Please Remember: AvoPro does not accept commisions from any external links. Also we do not take responsibilty for any of their contents, products or services. We introduce these to you for your convenience, only. All such sites are in brown colour. Also remember: Right clicking on a link, will give you the option to open a new window and the avopro site will be where you left it, waiting for you. For example, for info on health benefits and much more on the avocado fruit, right click on this popular link: NZ Avocado
See more links here: Avocado Resources
Avocado growing is way easier than many people assume, from hearsay. This applies to many other fields too and that's why all intelligent people like to get sound and verifiable facts, before spending a cent. They demand proof. Don't you agree?
Take a look
Important: AvoPro guys started producing these dwarf avocado trees for showcasing mini avocado trees, by hand cross-pollinatiing the A and B types, from 2005. But they do Not recommend letting your trees fruit for the first couple of years. The reason is; it can put your young, tender and still developing avocado trees under too much stress. The avopro guys do this because they are at it almost 24/7. However, most people cannot. To avoid disappointment you can order the "365 Avocado Help" at the time of ordering your trees, as well. This way, you will remember to contact them about everything concerning your trees specially when the price of this service is peanuts, or next to nothing, compared to the unique service. Do it, it's worth it. 365 Avocado Help
Trees are living beings and at a future stage might need a special treatment. AvoPro has been in the avocado growing sector for two decades and counting, and they know what remedies are available and which supplier is reliable. For example if your avocado trees need fungicides or other remedies, the following is a reliable home grower supplier: Yates NZ
Remember: Contact AvoPro Before Applying Anything to Your Trees. Better still: Order the 365 Online Help
Did you know people just like you, are being helped grow mini avocado or dwarf avocado trees, right Now, all-over NZ? From Kaitaia to Christchurch and even further south. Believe it or not these avocado enthusiasts - mini avocado guys - are helping many folks grow these babies in NZ, Australia, Korea, England, and even ... Wait for it ... Himalayas! So, please don't shy away if you think you are in an "unlikely place" for avocado growing. Let the AvoPro folk help you. What's more; You don't need to wait ten years for your avocado trees to fruit. The mini avocado people are the one and only nursery who will give you comprehensive eBooks and info-papers on avocado growing to study and decide, before ordering anything. That's Gratis. No charge. No conditions, no strings attached. We do Not collect your email addresses, we do Not sell data to third parties, we do Not install cookies, and AvoPro sites are secure, to the best of our knowledge. Gift eBooks are gifts. Simple, easy, no strings attached, F.r.e.e.e. gifts. Try it. Ask for your avocado growing info-papers here: Avocado Growing info-papers
Yes, the AvoPro guys are known for this and they are here to help you grow your own mini avocado trees, no matter where you are or how much space you have available. Grow your mini or dwarf avocado trees in the Far North, or the lower South Island or anywhere in between. Do you have just a few square meters? No problem. We'll show you how. Go to the contact page and email us. Do so, even if you just like to grab the gift avocado growing info-papers. Go for it: email AvoPro
Oh! AvoPro has been working on mini avocado / dwarf avocado trees since 2000, and to prove it I found another vintage early 2005 photo, to show off here. It is a two year old tree in a larger bag. By the way, the person shown is not an AvoPro team member. He is a long time helper supporter, and cheer leader of the mini avocado team.
Remember: AvoPro has client-friends who get fruit within 2 -3 years after planting. Also, you do not need to be in BOP or Kaitaia or California to grow your own avocado trees. You can do this, no matter where you are. Absolutely, no exceptions. Buy Avocado Trees Now
Grow "mini avocado trees" and get more fruit per unit tree canopy. Although avopro / mini avocado guys also have many unique dwarf and semi-dwarf avocado varieties, when it is said "mini avocado" they mean a method, a special way of growing which helps you keep your trees small - less than 3 m high - and still get more avocados per unit canopy area than letting them grow to ten meters high. This is a fact. A scientifically researched and fine tuned, proven beyond all doubt Fact. The commercial avocado growers call it the "High Density Planting". It Simply Works. It works astonishingly. They report avearages of 20, 25, and even 30 tonns per hectare. All this; while traditional plantings barely manage 5 tonns. This works and They Know it, because they make their livelyhood from growing mini avocado trees. Now You Can Harvest the same yields - per tree - with just a few trees in your garden. You can. Many of our client-friends are doing this, right Now.
Consider Alastair B, in Waikato NZ, where many believe avocado growing is out of the question. The photo on the left shows all four trees, planted 2015, fruiting around three years later. The one on the right is the Exceptional and Exclusive AvoPro variety, Ice Queen. It is a cold hardy cultivar. Note: These trees were severly affected by frost in the second year but AvoPro guys helped nurse them back to this vigor and health. Also notice the raised planting bed which mini avocado recommends, highly. See for yourself. By the way, you get better results by ordering the '365 Avocado Help' together with your trees. Put them on the right track, from day 1.
Do This and You Get:
- Early & consistent - year after year - avocado fruit set.
- Fresh, wholesome, firm flesh - hard to resist - avocados! Not the squashy, bland, watery or worse; blackend or rotten stuff, from some fruit retailers.
- Tasty Different Avocdo Varieties - not avaialble anywhere else - with an all year-round supply.
- Safe, easy, Eco-Harvesting management system of your
trees. AvoPro has an online help service for a small fee which lasts 365 days, or, for as long as you like. It's less than 14 cents per day! What's that? One sip of coffee per week? Grab it here: 365 online help
- Prune your trees to keep them dwarf and let “Deep Sun Light Penetration” nourish your avocado trees. It also means less pests/dis-eases, as well as way more fully developed and healthier fruit.
- The "mini avocado people" have created detailed, easy to read and easy as 'Paint-By-Numbers' eBooks which guide you on how to plant your trees, care for them, prune, correct excesive flowering, re-pot, train, and all that your avocado trees ever need, like a professional. These eBooks are unique and worth every penny, and we have Not Seen Anything Like These, Anywhere else in The World. Some of them were in the making for a decade and counting. What's more; they are updated continually and when you buy one eBook or the whole lot - avocado mini library - you are entitled to new edditions, automatically. How's that for a service?
- The mini avocad or AvoPro "avocado growers" have a strong community support through social media too. See, hear, even feel what others are doing and how they get their desired results. In a nutshell; Share your successful home grower experiences and make it a win-win for all. Niiice. Right? Join'em here: mini avocado growers
Fact: The More Avocado Varieties Planted, Close-Together, The Better The Results.
Mature 3+ Year Old Avocado Trees
These Large Trees are grown for a further 18-24 months than the standard ones. They are also in 3 to 5 times bigger containers than normal. We can produce only a few, each year. They are for the avocado connoisseurs who crave to get and, be ahead of others, by some years. Often these large avocado trees are over 2 - 2.5 m high as compared with the 1 m high standard trees, and have flowers or even fruit on them. They are naturally priced higher, because of the extra time and other costs involved.
Compare sizes of trees in this picture, where one regular 1 m high tree, is on the left. Like to grab some of these Unique Large Trees? Please email us: AvoPro
Caution: Look at the picture again. Keep your trees off the ground, till you plant them. This is to avoid runoff, which can cause root-rot.
Fact: Avocados are a wholesome food, meaning you can live on them, if you can't get anything else to eat for a while! Avocados are also delicious and great for your health. Grow Your Own, You Never Know!
Who Doesn't Love to Give / Receive Gifts?
Like to order some mini avocado trees for you, or for a loved one? For sure, a lot of discerning people give a "Living Gift that Keeps Giving" year after year. AvoPro can also issue unique gift cards, so your loved ones can receive your gifted avocado trees or even a partial prepayment toward their avocado trees: Gift Avocado Trees
Important: Not All Avocado Trees Are Equal!
"avopro" and "mini avocado" trees are produced from selective, indexed and certified disease free mother-trees, as well as industry labarotories' approved rootstocks. They are grown in steam disinfected soil or growing medium, free of disease and pathogens. They meet the "High Health" requirements of world class authorities on avocado growing. This is while, without naming any names, many people report trees of low quality in some retail plant outlets. Make sure you read the Mini Avocado clear and easy guide, on avocado trees: Which Trees Not to Buy and Which to Grab
Someone said "Be The Best In What You Do". We are trying. AvoPro guys acknowledge "Whatever success we have is mainly due to our client-friends' support, their expectation of excellence in products and service, and their help". Period.
Ready to order your trees and care products for your tees?
Order online, using a credit card, here: Order Avocado Trees Online
Or, Just email AvoPro, using the form below, if you like the easy and safe bank payments.